Friday, May 25, 2012

Peraturan Keselamatan Kerja Konstruksi

Saya tidak menyangka Blog iseng iseng yang saya tulis mengenai keselamatan kerja (K3) mendapat respon besar bahkan beberapa traffic dari luar negeri, saya mau sharing pengalaman saat dulu di bagian safety officer perusahaan konstruksi hal hal yang paling berat sebagai petugas safety officer adalah, jika perusahaan tersebut menggunakan tenaga kerja outsourcing yang tidak mau repot tanda kutip keluar biaya demi keselamatan kerja pekerja

Sehingga tidak jarang kadang sering terlibat adu mulut meski tidak adu fisik tentang pentingnya peran petugas keselamatan kerja atau safety officer di lapangan, yang dianggap hanya tukang cari kesalahan orang lain

pasti teman2 safety officer juga pernah mengalami hal ini dilapangan :)

Indonesia Sukhoi Accident

People over world wide keep stay tune reading or watching Indonesia Sukhoi Accident, as Safety Officer the main factor to be consider and discuss about how the safety procedure already done or ...?

Here the some video talking about indonesia sukhoi accident

Material Safety Data Sheet adalah

MSDS ( Material Safety Data Sheet) atau Lembar Data Keselamatan Bahan (LDKB), merupakan kumpulan data keselamatan dan petunjuk dalam penggunaan bahan bahan kimia berbahaya. Lembar Data Keselamatan Bahan didesain sedemikian rupa disusun secara ringkas, sistematik dan dalam Bahasa Indonesia agar mudah dimengerti dan dipahami. Pembuatan LDKB dimaksudkan sebagai informasi acuan bagi para pekerja dan supervisor yang menangani langsung dan mengelola bahan kimia berbahaya dalam industri maupun laboratorium kimia. Dengan informasi tersebut diharapkan seseorang akan mempunyai naluri untuk mencegah dan menghindari serta mampu menanggulangi kecelakaan kimia yang mungkin terjadi.

LDKB bukan merupakan terjemahan dari MSDS dari luar negeri, tetapi
merupakan kumpulan informasi keselamatan dari banyak buku, leaflet, jurnal, dan pengalaman

Data dari MSDS maupun LDKB sangat pentng dalam penyimpanan. penanganan,pemakaian, dan pembuangan zat kimia. Data ini merupakan protocol standar keamanan dan keselamatan kerja. Sehingga mampu mendukung budaya terciptanya kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.

Untuk Kali ini, data-data MSDS yang tersedia hanya beberapa senyawa, silahkan datang beberapa jam, atau beberapa hari lagi untuk dapatkan MSDS senyawa lain

Leading emissions reduction in the global shipping

Offshore Support vessels (OSVs) are facing a major challenge-is efficient operational in the face of the increasing demand and the more stringent requirements of energy efficiency.

(1888PressRelease) , 03 January 2012 -the modern shipping industry accounts for three to four percent of global man-made CO2 emissions and this figure is expected to rise to six percent by 2020 and then double by 2050. Carbon emissions from shipping are already double that of international aviation, and a single large container ship as many acidifying sulphur dioxide in a year like 50 million cars can throw away.
As a result, despite standing on the height of tremendous opportunities, Offshore support vessels (OSVs) is a challenge main-efficient operational in the face of rising demand and tighter energy efficiency regulations.

Shipping industry experts will gather at the IQPC Offshore Support vessels 2012 Summit to discuss important project management strategies for cost-efficient, reliable operational and NOx/SOx compliant OSVs.
In Amsterdam on 26-28 April, Offshore support vessels top brings you the latest insights and case studies on optimizing the design and operational aspects of OSVs to maximize production to reduce emissions, and downtime. Through a global agenda presentation of real-life experiences from Europe, Asia, North and South America, the event will rest ship-owners/operators and oil companies with the best design tools and operational strategies to manage their projects and successfully leverage the OSV advances in energy-efficient technologies.
Download the latest article on ' Lead emissions reduction in shipping ', visit Offshore Support ships top Download Centre.

For more information and registration, visit Alternatively, call us on + 44 (0) 20 7368 9300 or email informing iqpc dot co dot uk dot (@)

IQPC has an established reputation for delivering the highest standard of industry specific conferences, seminars and in-house training programmes. We want to keep business executives up-to-date with the forefront of their industries trends, technological developments and regulatory landscape.

For more information please contact:

JJ Xue Han
+ 44 (0) 20 7368 9300
Xuehan (@) iqpc dot JJ. co.UK


View the original article here

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Toolbox meeting/forklift fatalities

Toolbox meeting topics
Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date________
OSHA estimates forklifts cause about 85 fatal accidents per year; 34,900 accidents result in serious injury; and 61,800 are classified as non-serious.
According to the Industrial Truck Association, there are about 855,900 forklifts in the U.S. Therefore, over 11% of all forklifts will be involved in some type of accident each year (assuming only one accident per forklift).
The ITA also reports that the useful life of a lift truck is about 8 years. This means that about 90% of all forklifts will be involved in some type of accident during their useful life--again assuming only one accident per forklift. If you operate this equipment, there is a possibility that you may have an accident at some point during your career. To help reduce the possibility of being injured, it's important to understand where and how these accidents occur.
Fatal forklift accident causes and where they occur:
Where fatalities occur
Crushed by vehicle tipping over
Crushed between vehicle and a surface
Crushed between two vehicles
Struck or run over by a forklift
Struck by falling material
  Wholesale trades12.5
Fall from platform on the forks
  Retail trade9.0
Preventing these accidents:
Studies show that many of these accidents could have been prevented by better training. No one starts out with the innate knowledge, skills, and abilities to safely operate a forklift. As OSHA requires, drivers must be properly trained to do so. The lesson to be learned is, operating a forklift without training is dangerous and can even be fatal to you or other employees working in the area..

Training can also prevent or reduce the severity of an accident related to the stability of a lift truck traveling with an elevated load. Keep the load as low as possible to increase vehicle stability and to help prevent tip-over accidents. Even if drivers ignore this rule, and the vehicle tips over, injuries are usually minor if they stay with the vehicle instead of jumping off. The normal tendency is for a person to jump downward, so the driver lands on the floor or ground--usually directly into the path of the overhead guard. The most common result is a crushing injury to the head, neck, or back where the overhead guard strikes the employee.
Forty-two percent of forklift fatalities are caused by the operator trying to jump from a tipping vehicle. To keep this from happening to you, always remember tokeep the load as low as possible and stay with the vehicle if it tips over. Wearing your seat belt is the best safety measure!


Safety Recommendations:__________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:



New Online Resource explores the Ins and Outs of the RMS Titanic

It is only a few months away from the centenery of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Ben Johnson has launched its new Web property on the market to act as its own medium for his lifelong interest.

(1888PressRelease) January 17, 2012 -In just a few months people will remember that 1500 + people who have died in the night that the RMS Titanic sank in the North Atlantic. At the time she was one of the largest passenger liners in the world, and on her first trip. On the occasion of this occasion, lifelong Titanic enthusiaast Ben Johnson as an online resource and web property created to provide people with information about the complete history of the Titanic a concise resource.

This website "Titanic Explorer" is a place where adults and students about the history of the Titanic, and the company can learn and the people who created her. The guide takes you through the cocenption of the ship sinking and wreck pieces.

Just a few days ago we contacted Mr. Johnson for more information about his latest project. Mr Johnson told us that "I have a lifelong interest in the Titanic, since my grandpa bought me a book on the subject when I was only 7 years old, since then I was hooked". He also went on to say that "I wanted to this online source to give back some of my knowledge to those who want to know more about what must have been a beautiful ship '.

With the 100th anniversary quickly approaching the interest in Titanic doesn't seem to be dwindling. If you have an interest in Titanic or her sister ships than "Titanic Explorer" maybe something that you want to take a look at.

We wish Mr Johnson every success in his new company. Visit for more information.



View the original article here

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